Rescue & Recovery:

Products that save lives

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Recent News - Archive

September 2018

Mullion Logo

Mullion Survival Equipment

We are delighted to announce that we have been appointed Distributors for the Mullion ranges of Life Jackets, Floatation Garments, and Fire Fighter Kit.
More info .....


August 2018Inflatable Shelter with Lighting

Emergency Inflatable Shelters

We've won a new contract for Inflatable Shelters to the central buying department of the Civil Defence in Republic of Ireland. These will be delivered in a few weeks' time, as the shelters are being customised for them.                         More info .....


July 2018SB Rescue Sling.
Survivor Strop .

Export, Export and Export Again!

This month we're supplying a large consignment of SB Rescue Slings to a company in Canada, an even larger consignment of our Survivor Strops to Singapore, and an order of Helicopter Rescue Strops to Dubai.

Meanwhile, our UK customers continue to keep us on our toes with new orders, especially for Lifebuoy Equipment and Marine Publications .........


June 2018Coded Vessel 4

New Training Manuals

We are delighted to announce the launch of two new additions to our range of training manuals. These address the needs of both Large and Small Coded (non-SOLAS) Vessels, and cover Lifesaving Appliances, Survival Techniques, and Fire Extinguishing Systems & Equipment.    More info .....



May 2018Symphony of the Seas

"Symphony of the Seas"

At 228,000 gt, and able to carry over 6,600 passengers, "Symphony of the Seas" is the world's largest cruise liner. Naturally, we are delighted to have supplied part of the emergency equipment on board ........


April 2018White Lifebuoy with Retro-Tape

Chilled, but not "Frozen" !

Safety-requirements are an important reality, even in a fantasy-world such as Disneyland, and we are pleased to be supplying more lifebuoy equipment to Disneyland in Hong Kong ....................

More info .....


March 2018Small Rescue BoatMacau FR

Fast-Inflation Rescue Boats

We are delighted to have won a repeat order for 2 Rescue Boats for the Macau Fire & Rescue Service. The fast-inflation RTB1-SEB can be ready for use in as little as 30 seconds, even on the roof of a Fire Appliance               More info .....


February 2018Samuel Beckett class

Customised Manuals .........

The Irish Navy is building a fleet of new offshore patrol vessels, the 90-metre Samuel Beckett  class. Having already supplied ship-specific Fire and LSA training manuals for the first 3 vessels in this class, we're now working on customised manuals for the 4th vessel.                           More info .....


January 2018Survivor Strop .

Customised Strops .........

This month we've supplied a customised version of our Survivor Strop to another disabled person to enable him to move himself whilst at home, and we're also developing a double-strop version for use in a marine application.


December 2017Inflatable Shelter 6

Emergency Inflatable Shelter

Farnborough Airport Fire & Rescue Service are the latest customer to order our Emergency Inflatable Shelter after on-site evaluation and testing.  More info .....

We've also now completed our JOSCAR accreditation as suppliers to the defence industry.


November 2017
Aqua-Sac®Alteau Flood Barriers (1)

New Products: Flood Defences

We are delighted to have been appointed official distributors for two ranges of Flood Defence equipment:

  • Aqua-Sac® : "self-inflating sandbags" available in both large and small quantities

  • Alteau Flood Barriers: mobile, self-inflating, extendable and reusable water-barriers for sustained use by the Emergency Services in major incidents

More info .....


October 2017

Survivor Strop .

Survivor Strops

Our Survivor-Strops have been approved by the RNLI for use on their Lifeboats, and are now being supplied to the RNLI as part of a larger contract for MOB Recovery equipment ........

More info .....



September 2017

220px-ALMA Antennas on Chajnantor

Emergency Inflatable Shelters 

We have just won the contract to supply two Emergency Rescue Shelters for use at the ALMA, the world's most powerful astronomical observatory. The observatory comprises sixty-six radio telescopes in the Atacama Desert in Chile - a challenging environment, as it's the driest place in the world and at an altitude of over 5,000 metres ..........              More info .....


August 2017SB Rescue Sling.

SB Rescue Slings

All new supplies of this product now include a free App. for Android mobile phones, enabling retrieval of manufacturing/servicing information from each unit's barcode.


July 2017Fire Training Manual

New Edition: SOLAS Fire Training Manual

We are delighted to announce the publication of the 3rd Edition (English) of our SOLAS: Fire Training Manual. This provides a comprehensive update, incorporating the significant changes made to SOLAS-II, and now including extensive cross-referencing to the Consolidated SOLAS and other IMO Codes.     More info .....


June 2017Marina Safety Station (Low Profile)

It's a long way to ...........

This month has seen us despatching:

and Lifebuoy Equipment all around the UK to farms, construction companies, Local Authorities and educational establishments, including a contract for Marina Safety Stations custom-fitted with Rescue Lines .........


May 2017Survivor Strop .

Survivor Strops .......

It's always good to hear how our equipment can be put to additional (unexpected) use: one of our disabled customers is using a Survivor Strop to transfer himself from bed to chair unassisted, by attaching the strop to a hoist affixed to the ceiling.

On a related subject, we were also glad to contribute one of our Survivor Strops to Chesil Sailability, a charity which provides sailing opportunities for people with all types of disabilities from its base at Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy.


April 2017

MFC Survival Airtrack Rescue Path (3)

Exporting again .......

We're already fed up with hearing about the UK General Election (!), so we're concentrating instead on export-sales ........ which this month include 10 Rescue Paths going to Macau for use by Fire & Rescue Services, and 23 sets of Lifebuoy Equipment for a construction company in Ireland building a golf course with lakes and river-frontage.


March 2017

Rescue Path 3

Field-testing in Antarctica

The United States Antarctic Program will be carrying out field-trials of our Rescue Path / Walkway over the next few months ...... we can't think of anywhere better to prove the effectiveness of this equipment !!     More info .....

The U.S. Antarctic Program is a major operation covering all U.S. scientific research and related logistics in Antarctica, and involving 3 year-round scientific stations, 2 research ships, and a fleet of aircraft to transport personnel and materials.
For more information, please click U.S. Antarctic Program


February 2017

Inflatable Shelter with Lighting

Police Forces

Working with our Irish partners, we are delighted to have secured the order for two more Emergency Inflatable Shelters - this time for the Northern Ireland Police, and customised to fit with their new Command-and-Control vehicles.     More info .....


January 2017

Inflatable Shelter 7

Military / Civil Defence

Our Emergency Inflatable Shelter is available in a variety of standard sizes and configurations, and can also be customised to suit almost any situation. This month we have been working with a UK Defence Contractor on a bespoke shelter of 63m2.             More info .....


December 2016

RFA Cardigan Bay

Standard Lifebuoy Housing, with Lifebuoy & Rescue LIne

What Holiday-Period?

Just because it's a holiday-period doesn't reduce the need for safety equipment, as this month we supply:

  • Emergency Equipment Lockers as part of the refitting of the Royal Navy landing ship RFA Cardigan Bay
  • Another two custom-designed Rescue Davits as part of a long-term contract for a new fleet of Coastguard cutters in Taiwan
  • 21 sets of Lifebuoys and Housings to a construction company in the NE of England, and a quotation for a large quantity destined for Kuwait

..... amongst other things!


November 2016Rescue Cushion

Rescue / Jump Cushions

Working with our local agent, we have won another major contract to supply Rescue Cushions, this time to the National Fire Service in Greece.


October 2016Integrated Lifebuoy Housing with pole mountings

"Out of Sight, Out of Mind"

We are currently working with another Metropolitan Borough Council to replace their lifebuoy-housings with our Integrated Housings. These incorporate doors which discourage casual interference with the equipment, whilst still offering easy access in an emergency.       More info .....

[Trials by two UK Local Authorities in 2013 demonstrated a major reduction in theft/vandalism by placing lifebuoys in a housing, especially if the housing is fitted with a door/cover - a clear case of "out-of-sight, out-of-mind".]


September 2016

Spirit of Rathlin Ferry

Equipping a New Ferry

We have just supplied a set of MOB Recovery Equipment, Training Manuals, BA sets and Firemans' Protective Clothing for a new passenger/vehicle ferry being built in Co. Wicklow, Ireland.

The vessel has been commissioned by the Northern Ireland Executive, to operate on the Ballycastle, Co. Antrim -to- Rathlin Island service, and this is the third successive year that the shipbuilder has chosen us to supply this type of equipment.    More info .....


August 2016

SB Rescue Sling

SB Rescue Slings: first export to New Zealand

We are delighted to have secured our first export of these Slings to New Zealand, for use by a pilotage authority.

The SB Rescue Sling enables a casualty to be rescued without the rescuer having to enter the water, from a boat or a steep-sided canal/lake or where there is a large vertical-distance recovery. It is approved for military use (NATO stock-listed) and is widely-used on pilot boats, workboats, small passenger craft and rescue vessels around the UK, other parts of Europe, and the Far East / Australia.        More info .....


July 2016

Rescue Boat - Fire & Rescue Service

DSB Rescue Boats

Working with our colleagues in Kai Lek Engineering in Macau, we are supplying RTB1 Rescue Boats for use by the emergency services in Macau.

These light weight boats are easily transported and deployed, with an impressive payload capacity of up to 700 kg, and are manufactured in Germany by DSB - Deutsche Schlauchboot GmbH - one of the most experienced manufacturers in the world for life-saving equipment for civil and military use. For more information, please contact us


June 2016

Public Authorities

SB Rescue Davit in situ

Referendum?   What Referendum?

Well, Britain has voted to leave the European Union - so the politicians and the pundits are all trying to work out what on earth we do now. In the meantime, as far as we're concerned it's business-as-usual, as we supply a large quantity of Lifebuoy rescue equipment for use on the River Thames. (We understand that this is not related to the result of the Referendum, nor to England's football performance, nor the prospect of a rainy Wimbledon!)       More info ......

Amongst other things, we've also just despatched another two custom-designed Rescue Davits to the Far East. This is part of a long-term contract for MOB recovery equipment being installed on a fleet of Coastguard cutters currently under construction.     More info ......


May 2016Lifebuoy with Encapsulated Rescue Line attached

Q: How's the Lifebuoy Business? A: Buoyant!

[Sorry! Couldn't resist!]

But with the current "flood" of orders from places as far apart as California and Chelmsford .....!    More info ......

(In between the sales of Helicopter Strops to the Malaysian military, Rescue Poles to a UK Ambulance Service, more SB Rescue Slings for export, etc etc etc!)


April 2016Mein Schiff 5

Mein Schiff 5 vers 3

SOLAS Training Manuals

Our SOLAS manuals (both the Fire Fighting and Life-Saving Appliances manuals) have been delivered for use on board the new cruise ship Mein Schiff 5.

Currently under construction in Finland for TUI Cruises GmbH (a joint venture of the TUI AG group and Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd), the vessel will be close to 100,000 GT, able to carry over 2,500 passengers, and is due to make her maiden voyage later this year.           More info ......


March 2016Rescue Cushion

Inflatable Shelter with Lighting


We're delighted to have won a new order for a substantial number of Inflatable Rescue/Jump Cushions to a Middle Eastern customer, and we're also preparing quotations for customised Inflatable Shelters for use in the oil industry in the extreme climate of the Persian Gulf (-15oC to +50oC !).

Meantime, UK sales of our stock items such as Lifebuoy Equipment continue drive forward, wth sales to councils, zoos and museums to name but a few .........


February 2016Integrated Lifebuoy Housing with pole mountings

Reducing vandalism .....

A Local Authority in Lancashire ordered more of our Integrated Lifebuoy Housings, after initial trials demonstrated that the closed-door design makes the equipment less susceptible to theft/vandalism ("Out-of-Sight, Out-of-Mind"!).        More info ....


January 2016Inflatable Shelter with Lighting

Telescopic Rescue System

Harmony of the Seas

"Firing On All Cylinders ..... "

After the Christmas/New-Year holidays, we're "back with a bang" and winning new orders ......

  • from BAE Systems, for 3 Emergency Shelters (for which we are also providing training support) ......
  • from a customer in Scotland, for 9 Telescopic Rescue Poles .......
  • yet more Ro-Ro Emergency Lockers, this time for a ferry operating from Scotland ......
  • from Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, for SOLAS Training Manuals for their newest vessel "Harmony of the Seas" (the largest passenger ship in the world, due into service in May 2016 and able to carry over 5,900 passengers) .......
  • for Fatality Recovery equipment, after demonstrations in Holland to the Dutch lifeboat organisation and two Dutch fire services in conjunction with our Dutch agent RI & S Preventie ......
  • (and our Lifebuoy Equipment is selling like hot cakes ........ !)

...... and with enquiries coming in for Rescue Cushions from as far afield as Chile and Estonia, we're looking forward to another busy year!


November 2015Baltica

Emergency Lockers for Ro-Ro Pax Vessels

This month, we have supplied two Emergency Lockers for retro-fitting to the MS Stena Baltica, a 165 metre / 22,000 tonne vessel currently operating in the Baltic      More info....


October 2015SOLAS Training Manual: Supplement 2015

SOLAS: LSA Training Manual - 2015 Supplement

We have just published a Supplement to meet the latest SOLAS requirements re Enclosed Space Entry. This is available as a separate, soft-cover document (the page size and format are the same as the Manual, enabling easy integration if required)          More info....


September 2015
Underwater Filming 3

Drama ........

We're always interested to find unexpected uses for our products. The latest is the entertainment industry, where we've supplied Lifebuoy Equipment and Underwater Recovery Equipment to film-production companies for use on the sets of "gritty" dramas destined for both TV and Feature-Film .....


August 2015Telescopic Rescue System

Telescopic Rescue System

Since we became distributors of the Long Reach Telescopic Rescue System last year, its appeal has proved even broader than expected.

Originally designed with a UK Fire & Rescue division and primarily for use by the rescue services, recent buyers include a UK port operations company for use both in personnel-rescue and in debris-clearance.  More info ....


July 2015SB Rescue Sling.

SB Rescue Slings

Our exports to Australia have been boosted again by the despatch of a further consignment of SB Rescue Slings ....... 


June 2015SOS Helicopter Rescue Strop - Large

Helicopter Operations

We are now agents for the Helicopter Lifting Strops manufactured in Australia by SOS Marine. Designed for the Royal Australian Navy, these strops are also NATO-approved.


May 2015

SB Rescue Sling

SB Rescue Slings

Sales of SB Rescue Slings continue to race ahead - having supplied another 30 to a foreign Navy, we are now the largest distibutor in the world.

This equipment is approved for military use, and is NATO stock-listed ...
More info....

We are also delighted to be supplying lifebuoy equipment for this month's Liverpool Sound City music festival.


April 2015

Inflatable Shelter

Multi-Use Emergency Shelters

Our Emergency Inflatable Shelters are available in a range of sizes, and can be easily configured to serve a variety of needs: the semi-circular entrances at each end are secured with heavy-duty zips, enabling two or more shelters to be attached end-to-end.

One particular customer has just taken delivery of 3 standard units, and has now ordered an additional, much larger unit. More info ....


March 2015

GP Inflatable Workboat 1

Special Offer on G.P. Workboats: 42% off!

We need more warehouse space, so we're offering two General Purpose 3.8m Inflatable Workboats at a huge discount. They're in unused, as-new condition, and come with the full set of standard equipment plus a fast-deployment 'roll-up' floor.

[Sorry - you're too late for this offer now! ]


February 2015

Inflatable Shelter with Lighting

"Gimme Shelter" !

South West Ambulance Service have ordered another 3 Inflatable Shelters after their initial purchase last year has proved so effective.



January 2015

Workboat Code Training Manual

MCA Workboat Code launched

Our new Workboat Code Training Manual has just been published, to coincide with the MCA's new Workboat Code which comes into operation this month (replacing the original "Brown Code" and the SCV & Pilot Boats Code). The manual replaces our SCV Training Manual, and is suitable for all vessels governed by the new Code, as well as any other similar vessels.


December 2014

Survivor Strop .

Testing-to-Destruction ......

As part of our continuous programme of product testing and improvement, we subjected one of our Survivor Strops to a full Test-To-Destruction by an independent specialist. The strop retained full integrity until 1.5 tonnes (1,500 Kg) - at this point, the steel hardware started to deform, but the webbing and stitching were still undamaged!

All our Survivor Strops are individually tested to 300 Kg ....... 


November 2014


Round-The-World Clipper Race 2015-16

Our UK SCV Training Manual has been adopted for the fleet of 8 training yachts preparing for this exciting and challenging race next year.

In the meantime, it's business-as-usual for us, as we export more SB Rescue Slings to Singapore and a Baltic Shipyard, and Rescue Cushions to a buyer in Kuwait.


October 2014


Customised Training Manuals

We're currently preparing Customised SOLAS Fire and LSA Manuals for the latest addition to the CalMac fleet of ferries operating on the west coast of Scotland.



September 2014

Inflatable Shelter with Lighting



Inflatable Shelters

We are now supplying our Inflatable Shelters  to the United Nations (Humanitarian Response Depot in Guatemala) as part of their World Food Programme. More info ....


Survival Craft Manual

Survival Craft Manual - New Edition 2014

Our Survival Craft Manual  has been updated, and now combines the information required for both Life-Boats and Life-Rafts into a single manual. More info ...


Water Forensic Body Recovery System

Water Forensic Body Recovery System

We delivered a large order to the Royal Australian Navy  last January. Since then, the equipment has proved so effective that they have now placed a second large order. More info ....



August 2014

LE Samuel Beckett

Customised Training Manuals

The Irish Naval Service has just taken delivery of a new 90m offshore patrol vessel for which we provided customised Fire and LSA Training Manuals. We are now working on similar manuals for a sister vessel, and the builders (Babcock Marine's Appledore yard in Devon) have just received the order for the third vessel.
More info ....


July 2014

Telescopic Rescue System

Telescopic Rescue System

We are delighted to announce that we now distributors of the Long Reach Telescopic Rescue System, designed in conjunction with a leading UK Fire & Rescue division. Built around a light-weight telescopic pole of up to 17m deployed length, the system enables fast and accurate delivery of floatation/rescue devices to victims in water/ice/mud/flood incidents.
More info ....


June 2014

SB Rescue Sling 5




 Integrated Lifebuoy Housing, Pole-Mounted and with example (optional) signage


Rescue Slings to Taiwan: Following our previous successes in Taiwan, we are delighted to have been awarded a new contract to supply 28 Rescue Slings to a fleet-operator. View Product Details ....

Lifebuoys: Reducing Theft & Vandalism: a 12-month trial by a UK Borough Council has demonstrated again that placing Lifebuoys in Housings which have front-covers, does significantly reduce the incidence of theft/vandalism. They will now be adding this feature to all their installatons. View Product Details ....

SOLAS Checklist:  this publication is now available in Spanish. View Product Details ....

Salmon Fishing in the .... UK:  We are also supplying a full set of lifesaving and fire fighting equipment to another new-build vessel. This is a 23 mtr support vessel for a Scottish salmon farm and will be equipped with inter alia  the SB Rescue Sling, a life-saver that has proven itself aboard many types of workboats and rescue vessels. View Product Details ....


May 2014

SOLAS Checklist \

SOLAS: Checklist - Spanish edition

Our SOLAS: Checklist  for Life Saving and FIre Fighting Equipment was fully updated at the end of 2013. We are now working on a Spanish translation in response to fleet operator requirements and which will be available from mid 2014. More info ....


April 2014 

Wind Farm Support Operations

Windfarm Support Vessels

The UK is investing heavily in renewable energy sources, and is a world-leader in offshore windfarms. This month we've supplied more SB Rescue Slings  to the growing fleets of UK windfarm support vessels.

This equipment is now installed aboard more than 500 vessels around the UK, in other parts of Europe, and as far afield as Australia - workboats, rescue vessels, pilot boats, small passenger craft etc.

Meanwhile, we've also delivered a second aluminium-hulled safety/rescue boat and davit system for a major port in NE England. 


March 2014

swasft logo withcrest




Accustomed as we are .....

Continuing the theme of customised solutions, this month we're delivering an Inflatable Shelter  customised for the South West Ambulance Service (Hazardous Area Response Team) ....... well as another three Inflatable Shelters  to the RAF.

(Time for more pictures of our favourite aeroplanes!)


February 2014

Radar Tall Ship

Research Vessel

We like a bit of variety ......

Having just delivered our SOLAS: LSA  and  SOLAS: Fire Training  manuals for use on board 3 luxury passenger sailing ships ("tall ships"),  we're now working on Customised Manuals  for Naval Fishery Protection vessels, an Arctic Research vessel currently being built, and a fleet of Piracy Protection vessels.

Like we said: it's good to have some variety .... !

More info .....


January 2014

 Inflatable Shelter with Lighting




     Water Forensic Body Recovery System


A Military January .......

Following our supply of  Inflatable Shelters  to the RAF last year (see our August news item below), we are delighted to announce additional RAF orders. This time it's RAF Wittering , home to a number of units including the A4 Force responsible for engineering and logistics support to expeditionary air operations from distant locations.   More info .....


In addition, our Water Forensic Body Recovery System has been allocated formal NATO stock numbers, and we have just secured a large order from the Royal Australian Navy  through our Australian distributor.   More info .....


December 2013

SOLAS Checklist \


SOLAS: Checklist - New Edition!

Another new edition hits the streets! Our SOLAS Checklist has been expanded to cover Fire Fighting equipment, as well as being updated to include all the latest SOLAS / IMO requirements.  More info .....


November 2013

SOLAS Fire Training Manual

Fire Training Manual: French Edition

Responding to the needs of our Canadian customers, we are pleased to announce the launch of the French edition of our SOLAS Fire Training Manual. More info .....


October 2013

Inflatable Shelter 6

"It's a long way to ......"

.... Co. Tipperary, where we have won an order for 4 Inflatable Shelters  for the Irish Civil Defence. This follows on from a similar order last year from another area of the same organisation.    More info .....


September 2013

Canal Boat

Somehow, naming her "The East
Blogsbury Borough Council" just wouldn't
feel right .... !!

Theft of Lifebuoys

The challenge: how to make lifebuoys visible and accessible in an emergency, and yet not an open invitation to theft or vandalism? As one Borough Council official commented: "There must be an incredible number of canal-boats, all bearing the same name: Property of XYZ Borough Council !".

During the summer, two UK Local Authorities have undertaken trials of lifebuoy housings. Both report a major reduction in theft/vandalism by placing lifebuoys in a housing, especially if it has a door/cover. Clearly a case of "out-of-sight, out-of-mind".

Lifebuoy Housings:   More info .....


August 2013

The Red Arrows





Avro Lancaster

Inflatable Shelters

Our drive into the defence industries market continues, as another of our Inflatable Shelters  has been ordered by RAF Scampton (the home-base of the Red Arrows, and the famous 1943 "Dambusters" squadron). We'll be delivering this on the same day that we also demonstrate this product at another RAF base.
More info .....
(Good excuse for pictures of our favourite aeroplanes!)


July 2013

   SOLAS LSA Training Manual



          Ro-RoEmergency Locker - Contents


A NEW EDITION  for 2013 will be available from next month!  Fully updated, including compliance with SOLAS 2010 and the recent complex changes to the requirements for launch & recovery systems for Survival Craft. More info .....


Emergency Equipment Lockers

To meet UK MCA requirements, we have supplied four of our Emergency Equipment Lockers  for the Highlands and Islands ferries in Scotland.


June 2013

French Flag

SOLAS Training Manuals

We're very pleased to report that our SOLAS LSA Training Manuals  have now also been endorsed by the French Maritime Authorities.

We've also started on a French translation of our SOLAS Fire Training Manual, which is planned to be available from Q4 2013.


May 2013

Lifebuoy with Encapsulated Rescue Line attached

Exports .... more Exports!!

Export markets are a key area for us, and now exceed 50% of our turnover. Our Lifebuoys and Housings have been exported as far afield as Iceland, Hong Kong, Jordan and Kazakhstan. This month, we're tendering for new contracts to India, Taiwan and Greece, amongst others.

Product Addition

Our Forensic Body Recovery System  has been extended to facilitate the recovery of suspended fatalities, using a Recovery Bag made from impervious polyurethane-coated nylon and reinforced with additional webbing at the lower end.


April 2013

Rescue Cushion

"One Jump Ahead .... of The Locals"

We're delighted to have won the contract for the supply of Inflatable Rescue/Jump Cushions  to a purchaser in South Korea - especially as we beat a bid by the local Korean manufacturer.


March 2013

 Inflatable Shelter with Lighting


LED Lighting

Optional equipment for use in our Inflatable Shelters  now includes LED lighting, of the same type as is used in the latest Royal Navy submarines.

Casualty Recovery

Red Funnel Ferries asked us to develop a customised solution for recovering casualties from enclosed spaces.

Right: no sooner said ..........


February 2013

Inflatable Shelter 1

Military / Civil Defence

Our expansion into military applications is growing quickly: for example, we are supplying one of our Inflatable Shelters  to the RAF for use by their Incident Response Team at RAF Cosford.


January 2013

SOLAS Fire Training Manual

Fire Training Manuals

We are delighted that our Fire Training Manual  has been adopted by a major European training school for use as the standard reference manual on their Advanced Firefighting Course for the marine and off-shore  industries.



Proud to be working with

Need to get in touch?  Call +44 (0) 1202 657814


I.C. Brindle & Co. Ltd
15 Moor Road,
BH18 8AZ

IC Brindle and Co Ltd

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